Okay... so the wedding was not the long night of sweat & tears that I thought it would be. It was quite the opposite! We did a four hour continuous wedding reception the weekend before and afterwards I could barely walk to a taxi. We were all beat to absolute shit. So what made this one so light and quick? I am thinking that maybe it was the location. We were performing at the Chicago Botanic Gardens with a lake to our backs and lush foliage everywhere else. The client was sweet, the couple …
Long time no see!!
I must apologize for not writing. So much and yet nothing much to tell... But life is good. It is summer. i have successfully put off working out now through the month of June!! OY! How did I come to this? I used to live to work out!!! But tomorrow is another day. Today sees us in Highland Park: a wedding- four hours of continuous music. My knees are dreading it. It's a good night financially for the boys but it really can be too much. Such exhaustion - the money just makes it bearable!! …
In the Toilet
Yep. That's where my cell phone landed: in the toilet. Now, I really need that damned pay phone. I was cleaning the floor around the toilet while talking to my niece (damned multi tasking) and well, it committed suicide. Jumped right in. I could not believe that I was staring at my phone thru clear water in the toilet.You may find this hard to believe but I just don't do these kind of things: lose or drop phones. But then again, I don't lock keys inside my apartment until that one time when I …
Back into the Swim
So I have resumed my "swimming lessons." I never quite mastered the basic stroke/kicking and breathing thing and always stopped classes just as I got them all working together. And the last class I took before this one was the first time I ventured into the deep end.And so after another big delay in getting the darn class scheduled, I went to my private swimming lesson and it was GREAT!! I felt so invigorated and renewed. I have been tossing around the idea of getting back into shape again. …
Paradise Lost
OY!!! I can finally talk about our glorious trip to Hawaii. My group was hired by a corporation to fly into Honolulu for a corporate gig. In & out - nothing to it right? HA!! No such luck for me the bandleader, the mama of my "grown assed men" band. Now y'all know how much I loves' my band - but as most children do- they make me wanna kill 'em!! Let me explain: First of all, one member gets thrown into rehab ("I say: no, no no") and just as we are about to board the plane, my keyboardist …