So me & my BFF Barb went to my niece's party over the weekend. She has her first apartment and happens to be attending the same university I (and barb also) attended almost thirty years ago!!! There we were - the old hags - hanging with twenty something's and you know what? We had a blast!! I wasn't sitting around thinking: "they are so young" "this is so ridiculous..." Mostly, I was impressed by how very bright and cool these kids were. And the party (which I funded - such a nice auntie) …
Older and…
wiser? Let's try: achey, or forgetful or with lessoning vision. I have never felt "old" - not really. I mean the nature of my business is "party!" I am constantly telling folks to "dance!" Clap your hands!" "move your ass!" Meanwhile my knees, my back, even my feet hurt more and more. I listen to the creaking bones and cartilage of all of my peers as they get out of chairs, bend down or God forbid - go upstairs! Maybe this is coming forward in my mind because my birthday is rapidly …
Whatcha’ doin’ for the 4th of July?
I'm curious. How much celebrating are we doing? Fireworks? Cook out? who is going home? Who is going to a big party/festival? Who doesn't giva damn? ENJOY!! I plan to go to Frankie knuckles birthday party and PAR TAY. Whoo hoo!! Dance to House Music! Drink! Laugh! Make out with boys! Talk shit! …
The Visitor
I just saw a wonderful film called "The Visitor." My advice to all is: RUN to see this movie. It's been released for ages so God knows how much longer it will be around. It gives us a very simple but strong peak into many issues: immigration and the cut and dried bureaucracy of the law. It shows us the how someone who has never had to consider encroachment or disregard of their right's, feelings or humanity - deals with those very issues when he has to watch it thrust upon a good person …
The Visitor Official Trailer …