always good for a laugh: the M&M's in Times Square. And a weird one!! I fell asleep with Let The Right One In on DVD and I woke up feeling a bit weird. Lesson: Never fall asleep with an artsy Vampire movie on in the background - in Swedish! Well, tomorrow is the big day - House of Blues gig. …
“Sita Sings The Blues” is playing in Chicago – GO SEE IT!!
Sita Sings The Blues was one of the films I saw at Ebertfest. You can watch it for free on your computer at Sita Sings The Blues.Com OR/AND you can see it on the big screen at the Gene Siskel Film Center today thru May 7. DO NOT MISS this wonderfully unique animated feature on the big screen!! You will not be disappointed!!! Simply click on the links (highlighted in gray print) Everyone else keep an eye out for showings in your town or just follow the link!! For more images …
I Watched a Movie. I’m all better now…
Thank goodness! I was feeling pretty sad and pathetic at the time of my last post: "Too Good To Be True" and I just couldn't shake it. I had a couple conversations with friends and relatives who just weren't making me feel better or maybe I am hyper sensitive to shit right now. Anyway, suddenly I remembered!! I can watch a movie! That'll make me feel better! That's what will take me away from inside of my head & heart. I got a few hundred to choose from... I popped in "Four Months, …
Too good to be true
I should have known better... I had way too much fun last week. I let my guard down. I forgot to wait for the other shoe to fall! I am not normally a pessimist. I am a fairly happy person. I almost never take off my rose colored glasses. But I am in show business. No business like it , no business at all. …
Roger & Me Ebertfest 2005
I'm still unpacking and compiling my notes from Ebertfest 2009. I intend to add more detailed postings about the films and experiences. However I realize that now that I've returned to Chicago, it's business as usual and I've got even less time than when I had a full day of screenings! OY! Saw BFF Barb's wonderful play: Seanachi Theater Company's production of "Our Father" …