It started off well enough. Dinner with Colin and adorable Lisa, then I was at My girl Deb’s house and it was cool at 12:00AM (7-18-07). But it went downhill after I woke up on the morning of…dragged my ass to rehearsal, had a HUGE fight with parts of the band… I demanded some truth. There is one instigator in this and it breaks my heart, but that’s showbiz…after my very emotional outburst (PMS, birthday and emotions don’t shake up such a nice cocktail…) we learned a bunch of tunes and it was as if nothing had happened…that is showbiz too. lovely plans for dinner got totally screwed up cause the reservation wasn’t made in time and I was already mentally drained and the thought of going home, getting showered again, putting on make up, inserting contacts and putting on a party dress – more or less made me want to puke…
picture little angel in white mercedes – HERE SHE COMES TO SAVE THE DAY – My girl Deb rescued me from my rehearsal, drove me to the bank, arrived with 24 delish cookies and treated me to the most amazing sight on Ashland Avenue: a rotund man with bare chest – save for the gray chest and back hairs, scrunchy face, in shorts with butt crack in tow…nice!! We couldn’t stop laughing. It was surreal!! Deb’s famous line (shielding her face) “My eyes! My eyes!”
Whatta day! I did start cleaning my house…that’s huge. and I got prezzies!!! My friends were so great and concerned cause I cancelled the dinner. it was just too much for me. But I got so much love from so many!
Thank you one and all…
Happy Happy Birthday, Hauoli La Hanau! Ever since I almost got killed on my 40th by a semi truck no matter what happens on my birthday it’s a good day! Think of it that way! When people say “don’t you dread turning 50?” (this November) I always tell them “hey man, I almost saw the alternative on my 40th and I’m glad to be here!” A hui hou and we’ve been thinking of you dearest friend and Diva!
Happy Happy Birthday, Hauoli La Hanau! Ever since I almost got killed on my 40th by a semi truck no matter what happens on my birthday it’s a good day! Think of it that way! When people say “don’t you dread turning 50?” (this November) I always tell them “hey man, I almost saw the alternative on my 40th and I’m glad to be here!” A hui hou and we’ve been thinking of you dearest friend and Diva!
Thanks kiddo. …puts it all in perspective!!
Thanks kiddo. …puts it all in perspective!!