It is so humid and hot outside that I am convinced that Global Warming is firmly anchored upon our blue planet. My unofficial litmus test was the fact that my eyeglasses steamed up as I exited my air conditioned apartment to walk to my favorite neighborhood restaurant. It is during this short walk that my mind begins conjuring up a future scenario: I’m about 8o years old, sitting on my front porch – and not the crappy front porch of the apartment building I’m living in now, though the thought of me still living here is not completely outside the realm of possibility. I am talking to my niece’s granddaughter (my niece is 22 now and has no kids) and as she looks up at me through her solar-burn-resistant-retinal-protective lenses, I tell her about that hot humid summer of 2010, when I first noticed a consistent change in our climate and how some folks complained of the weeks of high temps and humidity but it wasn’t until normally seasonal regions had 70 degree temps throughout several Winters that everyone began to talk about it. After that, there wasn’t a conversation among Earthlings in which the topic of our planet’s warming didn’t come up. Even the staunchest naysayers had to note that perhaps our melting ice caps, flooding and global heat waves were not just “bad seasons” and isolated climatic incidents and that perhaps our planet was warming up at “a beyond alarming” rate. I also note how glad I am that I had lost all of my excess weight back then and kept it off for over thirty years, saving myself hip and knee surgery. Hey, it’s my fantasy and I want to create as good of a future image of myself as possible.
These were my thoughts as I trudged through the sweltering heat and humidity – especially the weight-loss fantasy part because I know that I would be less uncomfortable today if I had less flesh on my bones.
But back to our overheated planet…
Is it just me or hasn’t anyone else noticed this crazy weather? – that is, anyone other than scientists from all over the world… I am surprised more people aren’t talking about it as much as they debated the Cain VS. Obama campaigns.
The weather out west here has been unforgiving and DRY! Although, we had a killer winter and thus mangaged to breed shitloads of mosquitoes; I am hearing more and more about the absence of bees. Many farmers and gardeners out here can’t grow as much produce because of the lack of pollenation via the bees. We, however have our own little 3 acre ecosystem complete with bees, wasps, bats, snakes, ladybugs and hummingbirds. Al Gore was completely accurate- if we don;t start taking care of Mama Earth, we are doomed. When I was in DC this summer, I was so amazed how people function in the humidity. With 13% humididty at best out here, we have no room to bitch. Hang in thar, honey–fall is a comin’!
It’s freaky how the weather is a changing during our life time… eek! Girl, DC is a mutha during the Summer. so I guess I should be grateful… bats & snakes? Hummingbirds? You must send photos of your place out there. sounds lovely!
Interesting…as you think you will be here on your porch talking about the days of 2010, I think the world would have killed itself off by the sheer stupidity that is the human race. Ah, the Enneagram types and perception! lol
Congrads on the 10 pounds! I have to go out myself tomorrow and power walk! Today I just feel asleep on my sofa, sorry to say! grrrrrr I don’t like aircons…so my apt has a breeze but not much!
No air conditioning… I went through many a summer without them – not by choice though. I reckon I would just survive best way I could until I could my hands on the nearest A/C! LOL But once I turn it on… it stays on in my house all summer. For all of my concern about the environment I seem to become the world’s biggest hypocrite when it comes to a hot apartment. Imprint this!! : )
But then being a/c-less is a choice for you. Bless you my child.