The never-ending crazy coming from Washington is driving me nuts! The collective emotions brought on by the actions of this administration is stressful: Fear, disgust, horror, anger, outrage, shock – it goes on and on. I hope that we all remain diligent and never succumb to acceptance and resignation. Fasten your seatbelts, it’s gonna be a bumpy ride. Together we can weather this storm. But Lawdy, it’s exhausting and it’s only been a week!!
By // by Lynne Jordan
Relax. Really.
Relax… don’t quite know how you mean. that. Do you mean: “don’t worry” or do I sound completely overwrought and you are concerned for my blood pressure? Personally, I find the news from the white house very disturbing and opposed to my own beliefs but don’t you worry, I am not risking my life with worry, just diligent and concerned. It’s a good thing actually.