We are entering the final stretch. My Musical Tribute to Nina Simone at City Winery NY is just a month away. I have gone through all kinds of panic over this show. Mostly, I have been traumatized over ticket sales but I have done much work thus far to promote this show. It has been too early to e-blast folks about a show months away so I have told everyone I know to tell their friends about the show mostly via Social Media. Social Media has become a powerful tool for so many reasons. It allows you to be a graphic designer, PR person and master networker. The potential to connect is boundless. I have reconnected with old friends who in turn do me the favor of spreading the word about my NYC show to their network and so on and so on. And Twitter and Facebook are the bomb! I can reach out to folks I have never met with a kind word and then like in any normal circumstance we begin to engage in a light interaction in real time. Of course you have to like people to engage in this activity. You must like to make new friends and trust Human Nature. Yes, there is a lot of crap out there: boneheads, perverts and other bad sorts, but that is the nature of the real world anyway as much as it is in cyberspace. If you put yourself out there you will undoubtedly run into some fools. However, I have found that most people are good. If you believe this then you can go far into the depths of Social Media’s potential. And it provides the grand opportunity to express yourself via language and writing. And then there is the visual aspect of it all. You can share images of all sort with the click of a button. Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying that Social Media takes the place of real Human contact. It is a tool that aids it. It can happen faster and over miles. You can reach out to the photographer in Egypt and compliment his work and if he’s paying attention – he will thank you for it. Social Media is great because you can exchange love and friendship around the world. And you can damn sure promote a musical concert.
Lynne Jordan performs:
A Musical Tribute to Nina Simone at City Winery NYC on Tuesday, July 2, 2013.
Show time is 8pm. Doors open at 6.
Music Only Admission $15
With five wine pairing Admission $30
City Winery NYC
155 Varick St., (in Manhattan’s SoHo neighborhood) NYC 10013