I had an “Arthritis Flare.” It was my very first and it was awful, horrible, debilitating and sudden, like BAM! I have been dealing with knee pain for awhile now but nothing like this.
This experience taught me a lot. Shit happens to the body and I can neither control it, nor will it away. I am getting old. And my weight does not help anything. I also learned that there are a lot of us knee pain sufferers out there. I was amazed at the number of folks offering their own story of knee pain hell and the avoidance of dealing with it. I thought it was just me!
I think back about my parents, especially my dad, whose knees would swell up so badly that all he could do was sit in his recliner. I understand why now, especially after spending weeks in my bed and on the couch. I had to baby my knee and I had to be proactive about making it better. I had shows to perform and I didn’t want to do them all seated in a chair.
So, I went to an orthopedic physician who gave me a shot of Kenalog – a steroid super anti -inflammatory pain relieving miracle. And though I have been pain free for a few days now, I am still afraid to venture out without my cane or an escape plan. I never want to experience another evening like I had a couple weeks ago, stranded in pain unable to walk home or even get into a car.
I don’t walk any further than necessary and I have been icing the knee and taking a strong pain med. I have slight twinges in my knee but nothing like I felt before. I am still not confident that this (being pain-free) is going to last or for how long.
I stood while singing last night for the first time this month. I didn’t do any dancing or prancing and though my knee did get sore and tired, I suffered no acute pain. I came home and iced it right away. However, today it still feels a tiny bit sore. I know I have to take it easy and stay off of it after any prolonged exertion – at least for awhile. That’s the thing with Arthritis – you never know when it’s gonna rear it’s ugly head and leave you temporarily debilitated.
One thing I do know is this: excess weight aggravates the situation, so does inactivity. I can do something about that. It’s time to take care of business. It is time to take care of myself. Cause this ain’t cute.
Yeah, in our minds we are “forever young” but our bodies tell a different story. My po old back just gives me so much grief. If I sit too much, it stiffens up, if I stand too long, I get shooting pains, if I run, it is sore later. Ain’t no winnin’ dis battle. But, we are like sharks, m’ dear, we gotta keep movin’ or else we die. Glad it’s all better. Treat it kindly.
“we are like sharks, m’ dear, we gotta keep movin’ or else we die.” Love that!