I have to admit to some missed days of exercise. And a tad bit of indulgent eating BUT I did not given up or totally give in! Nor have I said: “Fuck it!” when it comes to watching what I eat. I’m keeping my eyes on the prize. I had a bit of emotional turmoil – dealing with some family drama that almost made me throw in the scale for a day or two but I held steady.
Today is a new day.
Way to go! One day at a damn time. We are upon the holidays and the is THE most stressful time of the year. Especially this year with the economy in the crapper. When I start worrying about money, I try to just motor on over to the gym..Keep it up!!
Yeah,I took the opposite and incorrect approach. I retreated. And – I’ve had some sort of arthritic episode with one of my knees. Can’t completely straighten one of them – makes for a lovely limp and I am walking like grandma right now.
I do hope everything works itself out and all is well in the family. This time of year family can be so enjoyable and so frustrating. Glad to hear you didn’t say “F” it to eating right. CONGRATS! Sorry to hear about the knee! You were amazed at my knowledge last time! Well it’s most likely a torn meniscus(cartilage). A piece of that is stuck in the joint preventing full extension. I’ve had major tears cleaned out 3 times until the cartilage is gone. If not, you could just have a lot of inflammation and fluid built up from all the exercise. You can have it drained. Check it out for relief. Take care of yourself Lynne.
Family is okay now. My niece was losing her mind (not literally) and being an all around young pain in da butt. But she’s better now. My knee is being very naughty at the moment. But it gets better each day. Oy! It’s happened before too about two years ago.
Glad to hear your niece is calming. With 25 years experience coaching high school girls, I understand how headstrong young women like this can be. Happy to hear the knee is improving. There are also injections that offer many folks up to a year or more of total relief of inflammation. It’s made from rooster combs actually. Same compound as cartilage actually. You can check it out on line at orthopedic surgeon sites. You take care Lynne! The best to you always.