Remember my elation at all of my movement last night at my gig? Well, I’m paying for it today! I’m feelin’ the pain today!! I finally got to sleep at around 5AM and had to be up and at a dear buddy’s birthday brunch at 11:30AM. I made it to the brunch but it was a Herculean task. My friend lives around the corner (literally) and I could barely walk there. My knees were killing me, my feet were killing me – I was so tired!!! I must add that joint pain and overall aches seem more acute when I’m exhausted. But it was so worth it!! A lovely time was had by all. I met some wonderful people and I didn’t overeat and man, I coulda. Everyone at this brunch was thin except yours truly. And I was keenly aware of my girth, my achey knees and the fact that I dare not try to squeeze into the little space between the two skinny women on the couch. I felt like the “fat broad” but I was graciously introduced as: “Lynne, my singer friend – she’s famous!” So, I took that as my “get out of jail free” card for today and got over my momentary bout of insecurity. I was too tired to feel fat!
There was lox & bagels, sliced meats, cheese, egg- potato & tuna salads, ice cream cakes, mimosas and coffee. I took very small (a heaping teaspoon) portions of two salads, some sliced tomatoes, half a bagel and later – one sliver of cake. No problem. And there were potato chips on the buffet also – one of my huge weaknesses. But I was able to stay clear of them. Not bad for my first real social outing involving food. My exhaustion helped – I was too tired to chase food.
By the way, walking home was much easier. I guess my knees and my body needed to warm up, so to speak…
I may do a nice hot soak in the tub and take it easy today: do some ab work and some stretching, get a good night’s sleep and get an early start tomorrow.
Then, back to the gym.
We had a sub at Pilates who killed my hips. But I Aleve-d it all and fortunately had some leftover Vicodin from my March ’10 root canal.I totally used it and felt great. Until I rose outta bed the next day. It is a process. It will get easier.
Don’t I know it. It was way easier five years ago!