Listen to yourself when you talk negatively about someone. Often times Gossip is a form of laziness. It’s a comfort zone. I think if we took the time to really see what the issue is (fear, jealousy,envy, unfulfillment) in our own life then we wouldn’t just sit and bitch about someone else. We would do something about the issue in our own lives that sparks the sudden vitriol we spew forth about another. It is easier to bitch about a person who writes a play then to start/complete our own writing projects. It is easier to blast on a performer who gets recognition and succeeds than to try to analyze why we don’t get the same and then do something about it ourselves. Talking smack about someone may make you “feel” superior but it doesn’t help your life at all. I really believe that when you try to block someone else’s blessings, you in turn, block your own. And people notice when you are a negative person. It’s tiresome to be around. Love is the answer.
By // by Lynne Jordan