Remember my elation at all of my movement last night at my gig? Well, I'm paying for it today! I'm feelin' the pain today!! I finally got to sleep at around 5AM and had to be up and at a dear buddy's birthday brunch at 11:30AM. I made it to the brunch but it was a Herculean task. My friend lives around the corner (literally) and I could barely walk there. My knees were killing me, my feet were killing me - I was so tired!!! …
The Amazing Adventures of Permanent Lifestyle Change Girl: Feeling the Difference
It's been two weeks now and I'm still being active. I've had a lot of time off this month (November is a notoriously slow month) and I used the time to work out. So my first night back to real work (five hours on my feet - three of it dancing) was a real test. …
From the Universe…
A message that suddenly appeared in my dear friend Anne Marie's inbox: Please tell anyone who wants to know... that a dream not followed by consistent action, however humble or small the actions may be, points to either a huge contradiction or a gigantic misunderstanding. Because when people get clear and realize just how powerful they truly are, wild horses can't stop them from taking even the humblest of baby steps, everyday. eeeee-hee-hee, The Universe It spelled it all out for me... …
The Amazing Adventures of Permanent Lifestyle Change Girl: Still At It.
Yep. I'm still working out. I have gone to the gym regularly and when I don't make it downtown to the Trump I have made use of my very well equipped home gym. My equipment may be "old school" but it still works the same muscle groups as the new-fangled stuff! …
… Where Can You Be…
I don't know if it was the sounds of the Hammond B3, the martinis or the vibe of the late night jazz club or more likely, the combination of the three, but I really felt for the first time in a long time …