Lately, I have become a bit of a Vampire in that I only come out at night. This lifestyle is fine for nightclubbing and entertaining when you are most awake after midnight. It's rare that I am finished performing before eleven p.m. My work day often starts at 9p.m. And so I sleep late, lay around all day to conserve energy and wait to get ready for show time. But now I fully realize that this kind of lifestyle is not conducive to much else, like exercise, planting a garden or taking a walk. …
Thoughts of Spring & gardening
Photo: L. Jordan Well, the Chicago temperatures are actually giving us hope for Spring arrival. Usually, I don't get bothered by our Winters but the Winter of 2009 will always be bookmarked in my brain. We went thru a lot this Winter: an epic Presidential Election, Sarah Palin, the thought that McCain might be President, the Recession, and those god awful days of arctic cold and snow. And for me, the lack of work is always a bad thing. Amd I'm not speaking strictly from an economic point of …