Every muscle in my body aches. That was my cry to a cousin the day after a very strenuous weight training workout with Trainer Jeremy. She became concerned: "Don't do too much. You could hurt yourself." I quickly explained that I have entrusted my training to a wonderful professional and the key to building strength and endurance is challenging oneself to do more every time. The pain is not serious. It is my body's natural response to the work. And it feels good because I know that my …
The Adventures of Permanent Lifestyle Change Girl โ The Reboot! My Trainer Got Real Today!
I knew it was coming. Last week, Jeremy the trainer was such a nice young man, gentle and kind. Today, he was still kind as he gently kicked my butt. It felt good - even when I fantasized about flinging that weighted ring thingy into the window instead of moving it slowly "to the right side - shoulders down, relax the neck." I kid, because I know that we are doing very basic movements, I'm just out of shape. This old body of mine is hanging in there though. I only wanted to stop once or twice. …