Okay… so the wedding was not the long night of sweat & tears that I thought it would be. It was quite the opposite! We did a four hour continuous wedding reception the weekend before and afterwards I could barely walk to a taxi. We were all beat to absolute shit. So what made this one so light and quick? I am thinking that maybe it was the location. We were performing at the Chicago Botanic Gardens with a lake to our backs and lush foliage everywhere else. The client was sweet, the couple adorable… the weather perfect! But last week’s group were also great. I dunno. Go figure!
I did not go to Gay pride. I did not do anything yesterday. I stayed home watching the teley all day & night. And you know what? I enjoyed it a lot!!!
But today I am moving.
I have been fighting a melancholy regarding my future. you know: “I am wasting my talent, I can’t start or finish anything” (writing & recording project wise) and my birthday is July 18. Everyone says: What are you doing for your birthday? I say: Nothing is planned. I’m getting older, time is slipping. I better do something with my life fast! Fuck this one day!!! I read biographies of so many stars and how they were driven at age 18 to go for their dreams. Ah… youth. Yet I am still hoping that I will one day… get off my fuckin ass and do something.
I will be forty seven on July 18th. I did a summation of the year… there were some gains… we did some great parties which generated income for us (the Shivers) there were other gains that just made me mad! (like weight gain)
But for some reason today really feels like a new day. I’m off for some kind of physical activity: swimming, biking… ONE of these activities will be performed today!!!
How is everyone else feeling these days?