wiser? Let’s try: achey, or forgetful or with lessoning vision. I have never felt “old” – not really. I mean the nature of my business is “party!” I am constantly telling folks to “dance!” Clap your hands!” “move your ass!” Meanwhile my knees, my back, even my feet hurt more and more. I listen to the creaking bones and cartilage of all of my peers as they get out of chairs, bend down or God forbid – go upstairs!
Maybe this is coming forward in my mind because my birthday is rapidly approaching… And how come I can’t hold my pee like I used to? I mean come on!! Now I am no idiot. I know that I am getting older and the memories of my mom’s complaints of aches and pains are still quite vivid in my memory. She would get up out of a chair and repeat a liturgy: “Oh Lord Jesus Hep me!” as her knees creaked and popped as she maneuvered her “old bones” up.
The vision thing never bothered me cause I have been wearing glasses since second grade. I did not need prgressive lenses until a few years ago when I found myself holding a business card two feet from my face to read it… OY!! And I can not remember shit!!
My question to any other seniors: Are you becoming painfully aware of new aches and pains daily? Do you often find yourself wandering your home trying to remember what the hell you were looking for? Am I the only one painfully aware of the fact that I am becoming an older person – physically? I am not talking about my state of mind and that old adage “AGE IS JUST A NUMBER” shit. I am talking about the real time, physical slowing down of the body.
Let me hear about your aches and pains. I have to psyche myself up to getting out of this chair and go downstairs to get my laundry. Oh Lordy help me!!