Adventureland: wonderful coming of age thing. Great music! Ah the 80’s!!
Sunshine Cleaning: Adorable, Amy Adams and Emily Blunt are terrific as sisters at odds and Alan Arkin was doing his best post Little Miss Sunshine quirky – father- figure- thing.
Goodbye Solo: very unique slice of life, unique characters – Roger loved this one.
Monsters Vs. Aliens: Okay, okay. I admit it. A computer animated film has to really suck for me to hate it. I didn’t hate this one but it did not knock my socks off with its cleverness or new inventions like say: The Incredibles, or Shrek, or Monsters Inc or Toy Story or Wall E or… BUT, it was still fun and the web site is huge fun!!
In fact, be sure to check out most movie web sites. They are hugely entertaining, clever and informative. Some are just outright amazing!
Speaking of animation: Please check out Persepolis!! It is one of my favorite animated features and it broke my heart that it did not win the Oscar for best animated feature. It was nominated.
Bye. Going to bed. I have to get back on a day schedule for Ebertfest.
Hi Lynne, how are you? Advertureland sounds good. 80s was my most fun era. I enjoyed that time very much. Have a good day and restful evening!
Thanks so much Stephanie! And thanks for stopping by!