Yep. That’s where my cell phone landed: in the toilet. Now, I really need that damned pay phone. I was cleaning the floor around the toilet while talking to my niece (damned multi tasking) and well, it committed suicide. Jumped right in. I could not believe that I was staring at my phone thru clear water in the toilet.
You may find this hard to believe but I just don’t do these kind of things: lose or drop phones. But then again, I don’t lock keys inside my apartment until that one time when I locked my keys in my apartment – twice – in one week. I had never locked them inside once in eight years and then… I really think it has something to do with the alignment of the planets.
Luckily, I had phone insurance and they are sending me my phone within 24 hours. Cool! I purchased this phone to go to Europe and figured that anything could happen… And fortunately I went for the $4.99 package that includes water damage. There is no “water damage coverage” if you go with the $1.99 package.
So I have been cell phone-less for five days now. I have been surviving – barely.
My question: How many of you have: dropped and broken; lost, or dropped in water – your cell phone? Don’t you just hate it??!!