Yep. as much as I love to sing, the siren call of my couch is so very strong. I am off to the House of Blues tonight. We haven’t played there is some time. I have had some very fantastic times at HOB. And I used to think of it as a second home. The Green Dolphin Street is of course my second home now. We are playing there tomorrow night.
I am wondering what kind of room (audience) we will have. You never know what you will get at HOB cause of the tourists that come there. BUT…it is always fun. Because these travelers are often on business with travel accounts, no spouses and the desire to go buck wild!! I just have to go in with a positive attitude: “ready to kick ass!” And believe it or not folks, sometimes I am not feeling it. Sometimes I just don’t wanna go! I guess that’s the sloth in me. But I have never and I repeat – never- ever kept a bad attitude through a show. The warmth of the audience, the applause–the complete positive feedback from the people–(you people) is the raison d’etre.
With every performance I put myself out there and I get total acceptance from an entire crowd of people. No one cares whether I am fat, thin, thick- my audience still loves me and the band. Is that why we do it? Is it an never ending quest for love and acceptance? I am an entertainer. That is my occupation. I have done my job if everyone is dancing. What a great life! What a great job!!