I dropped my cell phone in Shana’s water bowl. And yes, I have considered the possibility that it was “Kitty’s Revenge” over the dress-up thing, but honestly she didn’t cause it to happen. I was careless. In any case, I have no working cell phone. I want to buy one of these new-fangled smart phones but I have no idea which one to buy! I would like to get an iphone but it is only sold by one cell service provider. I have always been a Mac person but I’m also extremely pleased with my cell provider Verizon Wireless (my experiences with their customer service has been amazing) and I am opposed to changing up to get the iphone. I’m beginning to think I’m being silly, but why change when I am so pleased?
I went to Verizon’s web page to check out the phone selection and I felt like I was in the cereal aisle at the supermarket! What the hell! There are so many phones out there and they do so much. I am overwhelmed. And I have this problem: I buy gadgets and never fully utilize their functionality. I get to a certain point in the manual and once I can do the basic shit I am done. So my point is: why buy something with a bunch of shit I will never learn to use?
I just want a phone for goodness sake!! But on the other hand I do long for the ability to touch a screen and find out what time a movie starts or get the exact address of a restaurant… What to do? I guess I will just go to the darn phone store and buy a damned phone. Anything beats the five year old antique I’ve been using!
I just feel so out of touch with technology right now. I missed a couple of years. I am very open to new technology and gadgets – really – I am. But I haven’t bought anything new (phone or computer) in three years and the playing board has changed so much. I feel like a granny. Oy!
I reckon I will embark on my new gadget acquisition tomorrow. Will keep you posted. I am open to suggestions regarding smart phones.
I have had an IPhone 3G for 3 years now. It gets my email and calls and has internet access. Not too much, not too little. It works for me.
I have been using a Motorola Razr for months now – my newer phone died on me ages ago. It has a primitive processor and internet… but man was it slow. it never died that is until I dropped it in the water bowl. Anything is an upgrade at this point. I played with everyones phone tonight.
don’t get mac, version is about to get mac iphone anyway soon, so you are about a few weeks or a month too early. Get the droid. freak mac! Android is about to take over mac crappy i4 anyway!
LOL Adrienne!
I love my iPhone!! Never have any problems with Att. Need an Otterbox Defender to protect smart phones. If I was going to Verizon, go with Motorola Droid. Nothing like Motorola! My Razr lasted 5 years before it died this year and I went to iPhone. Got a Blackberry first cuz it was cheaper, but too small for my eyes. I switched for the iPhone.
Ha! Deb! That’s what got dropped in the water bowl!! My other phone died and I had my old Razr laying around from 2005 and that’s what I was using until I could decide what to buy!!! I am considering the Motorola Droid X but it might be too crazy business man oriented for my needs except for the huge screen, video & cam capabilities tho i read that the shutter has lag time and shaky pics come of it sometimes. OY! Thanks for the advice! May consider the Droid Incredible. tho I got a thing for Motorola…