Check this out! It is hilarious and one of the best campaigns for a new show ever! Go to the website! Thrill your friends!! …
We Bloggin Broads Stick Together!
Please check out my friend jane leder's blog... she is an award winning author, funny, brilliant and my friend. She is also a great dancer! See my links for her blog! Jane Leder's Blog …
Living Parents
I just got an email from a friend who lives in Europe and is celebrating his father's 75th birthday. it just got me to thinking about how fortunate he is to have his parents still, as he is in his early forties.I lost both my parents in one year. My mom died suddenly from a heart attack in her sleep and me dad died nine months to the day from primary brain cancer...I hadn't thought about that period in my life in some time now. Don't get me wrong, I think of my parents almost daily (I have …
Business Class & Home Sweet Home
I got in business class which should be renamed “Not for my fat ass class” But let me say that Schipohl Airport fucking rocks. Bee-bopped right in, nobody screaming at me, didn’t have to take my shoes off in security or put shit in plastic bags. My lip gloss was safe, my mascara was never suspected of concealing a weapon of mass destruction and everyone was nice to me. I got called to board with the rest of the Biz class not the last one on the plane like some reject, you know: the last girl …
I Ain’t Slapped A Bitch In Weeks!
"I Ain't Slapped A Bitch In Weeks."Those were the lyrics being sung when I walked into the second dance room at the dance club Off_courso in Rotterdam. Rotterdam is about an hours drive from Amsterdam and I was the guest of DJ Dutchican/Niels and Miss Bunty AKA Maarielle.I would like to take this opportunity to sing the praises of MYSPACE.COM. I knew I was going to Amsterdam and noticed that the profile: dutchican soulc lived in Amsterdam, so I approved his friend request and sent him an email …