I just saw a wonderful film called "The Visitor." My advice to all is: RUN to see this movie. It's been released for ages so God knows how much longer it will be around. It gives us a very simple but strong peak into many issues: immigration and the cut and dried bureaucracy of the law. It shows us the how someone who has never had to consider encroachment or disregard of their right's, feelings or humanity - deals with those very issues when he has to watch it thrust upon a good person …
The Visitor Official Trailer
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGjjx3WMmSE …
Piece of Cake
Okay... so the wedding was not the long night of sweat & tears that I thought it would be. It was quite the opposite! We did a four hour continuous wedding reception the weekend before and afterwards I could barely walk to a taxi. We were all beat to absolute shit. So what made this one so light and quick? I am thinking that maybe it was the location. We were performing at the Chicago Botanic Gardens with a lake to our backs and lush foliage everywhere else. The client was sweet, the couple …
Long time no see!!
I must apologize for not writing. So much and yet nothing much to tell... But life is good. It is summer. i have successfully put off working out now through the month of June!! OY! How did I come to this? I used to live to work out!!! But tomorrow is another day. Today sees us in Highland Park: a wedding- four hours of continuous music. My knees are dreading it. It's a good night financially for the boys but it really can be too much. Such exhaustion - the money just makes it bearable!! …
In the Toilet
Yep. That's where my cell phone landed: in the toilet. Now, I really need that damned pay phone. I was cleaning the floor around the toilet while talking to my niece (damned multi tasking) and well, it committed suicide. Jumped right in. I could not believe that I was staring at my phone thru clear water in the toilet.You may find this hard to believe but I just don't do these kind of things: lose or drop phones. But then again, I don't lock keys inside my apartment until that one time when I …