I just watched two magnificent films: "The Class" and "Man on Wire." …
Photos from Green Dolphin Street
are posted on photographer Dave Loew's blog site: CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW AND CHECK 'EM OUT!! Lynne Jordan & the Shivers photos from March 7 at the Green Dolphin Street CHECK 'EM OUT!!! …
Good fun at the Green Dolphin (despite my potty mouth)
The night started off kinda slowly. The room was practically empty at 8PM. I was freaking!! I thought to myself: Oh great, I'm gonna have to come outta pocket for this one. (to pay the band) And then one of my friends engaged - or should I say enslaved- me into some ridiculous conversation about her hair color: Do you think its too red? …
Lighten Up Chicago! Go see “Don’t Dress For Dinner” at The Royal George Theater.
It's tough out there. By the look of things, it's even tougher on the inside of everyone's head!! I said it before. I'll say it again. All this worry and fear can not be good for the planet. We need a distraction since we can not personally find an answer. This is when the Arts really proves its value to Humanity. Don't Dress for Dinner: It's a farce - a bedroom madcap comedy that is so silly that you will need kleenex to muffle your guffaws and laughter - and to wipe away the tears - …
Coming soon: Kitty Update
She looks cute doesn't she? Shana Punim who at the moment this photograph was taken was plotting some new devilry to torment me. You can see it in her eyes can't you? …