You will appreciate this photo If you happened to catch my: SINGING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM SINGING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM PART 11 SINGING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM FINAL posts awhile back. (Look in the archives November 2008.) Enjoy! …
Do Your Knees Hurt?
photo: L. Jordan I have not done so well in the lifestyle changing department. I mean, well, I ate a big bowl of chili this evening - with a corn pancake - and cheddar cheese at my favorite tavern/restaurant in the neighborhood. YUM!!! But I did walk today as I did my errands and even though it was rainy and dreary, I had a good time. I picked up a coupla DVD's and a magazine and shared some laughs with a few folks and well, I gotta tell ya: I had a great day. ARTHRITIS UPDATE: Okay, me …
Boys Will Be Boys
Okay, the first time it happened I just snickered and pretty much kept it to myself but after the third time a "twenty-something" hit on me in one week, I decided that I had to publish a report to all of you. Y'all know I been keeping my own company at home to the brink of insanity. No late night partying at the bars and clubs for months. But then I decided to venture out again and revisit that part of city life that brought me such happiness before. It was after all at a gay night/industry …
Update: The Amazing Adventures of Permanent Lifestyle Change Girl
Well... uh... I haven't changed much of my lifestyle yet. However, I took a big step towards change. I really looked at myself and figured out what it is that I want to do with myself. I want a clean house. I believe that my house reflects my person: in complete disarray! So I started cleaning my house. I threw out several bags of garbage. I feel better already. I want to lose weight and get physically fit. I chose fruit over french fries at the Bagel last night. Baby steps! Baby …
Thoughts of Spring & gardening
Photo: L. Jordan Well, the Chicago temperatures are actually giving us hope for Spring arrival. Usually, I don't get bothered by our Winters but the Winter of 2009 will always be bookmarked in my brain. We went thru a lot this Winter: an epic Presidential Election, Sarah Palin, the thought that McCain might be President, the Recession, and those god awful days of arctic cold and snow. And for me, the lack of work is always a bad thing. Amd I'm not speaking strictly from an economic point of …