And I really tried to psyche myself up for packing for this trip cause it's gonna be such an exciting adventure... but packing for a couple of nights is awful when the weather transitions dab smack in the middle of the trip! The temperatures will go from 38 degrees on Wednesday night to 81 degrees on Friday! OY! …
Movies I’ve Seen lately
Adventureland: wonderful coming of age thing. Great music! Ah the 80's!! Sunshine Cleaning: Adorable, Amy Adams and Emily Blunt are terrific as sisters at odds and Alan Arkin was doing his best post Little Miss Sunshine quirky - father- figure- thing. Goodbye Solo: very unique slice of life, unique characters - Roger loved this one. Monsters Vs. Aliens: Okay, okay. I admit it. A computer animated film has to really suck for me to hate it. I didn't hate this one but it did not knock …
It’s an odd thing
I am going to Ebertfest 2009!
I am so excited!! Five days of movies! Movies! Movies! I hope I don't O.D. on butterred popcorn. …
A gig tonight
And in these lean times, a gig tonight is a very good thing!! We are doing a private school fundraiser. We have done this event now for about five years. In fact, this is the school that President Obama's girls (Malia and Sasha) attended since pre-school and He & First Lady Michele Obama have attended this event every year …