This show business stuff ain't easy. And it's especially hard for a person who is naturally shy and humble like myself. I know some of you are laughing. "You shy? - yeah right!" Well, it's my shyness that has kept me from putting myself out there enough to make the big time. Can I mention that maybe I'm too old to be trying to do anything? To be the center of attention can be most gratifying if you are pleasing people and making them feel good and they shower you with praise (which you …
Back to the Drake Hotel
Well, I guess it wasn't just me and my loved one's opinion. Lynne Jordan & a Trio of Shivers done good. The Drake has booked us for Friday nights through June and July. Wow. This is the start of my cabaret show development. If I do this right and don't screw up (meaning I keep bringing in the new material) I could really create some magic here. …
Me & the Million Dollar Quartet
I have been asked to appear and sing with the cast of the Million Dollar Quartet at the Apollo theater in Chicago on Thursday, May 20, 2010. The show has been playing here to sold out houses for darn near two years. You must be asking: How did you pull this one out of your hat? …
Turning Out the Drake!
Wow!! Tonight was wonderful. The thing that made it so great was the turnout of my friends and family. There were folks in attendance from every aspect of my life: day jobs from the 80's, college, college friend's parents, people I'd taken classes with, shopped with, partied with, done events for - you name it. And they were dancing and whooping, hollering, eating and drinking up a storm. Thank you Facebook. …
I’m Singing at The Drake Hotel Tonight
and I am a bit nervous. I regret not keeping up with my blogging lately. I have so much to tell about what's going on career wise. I will try to sum up this development before I go jump in the shower to get ready! …