Here are a couple photos of my ever widening cat: Shana Punim. …
Yesterday Morning
Well, the party went well. The birthday boy enjoyed the surprise though it was kinda screwed up by a co worker who dragged me up to the room way too early (she was s'posed to keep me in the background and I was to make a grand entrance). Oh well. So there I am face to face with the b-day boy (he is the Treasurer's Chief Legal Deputy) and he was surprised, but it wasn't time to sing yet. Awkward! So, I went back to my place in the back of the room, only to be called up again by someone in the …
Morning Diva Confessions
It's 7:30AM and I am up and "at it." And for a change, I'm not still awake from last night! I have a morning thing to sing at the Cook County Treasurer's Office and I am trying to figure it out. They want me to come into the office - which will be filled with the general public paying bills, a dignitary or two and staff, and surprise a big fan with a "Happy Birthday" song - a cappella. It seemed like a great idea when I was asked. …
The Deal is…
I've got so much to tell you that it boggles my mind to write it all down. Business has been very busy. I have been stressed but maintaining a semblance of sanity here and there. Stay tuned... …
My Appearance with the Million Dollar Quartet
My appearance with the The Million Dollar Quartet was a sublime, surreal and absolutely wondrous experience. I was so stressed out by nerves and insecurities in the few days leading up to it that when it finally happened I was left shellshocked. You woulda thought I'd never performed in front of an audience before in my life by the way my insecurities welled up inside of me in those two days before my appearance! …