I know I promised to post this past weekend... ended up having fun again... Stay tuned... …
Been Meaning to Write
But I've been having too much fun sharing cocktails with friends, going to the occasional movie, meetings and cleaning my house! I am a happy girl at the moment. It's amazing what seeing the floor of one's bedroom will do for one's enthusiasm for life... I've been working on a few blog posts that I keep meaning to publish but by the time I get home I decide to nap or watch a movie! But you - my faithful readers - must not give up as I promise to post during this upcoming glorious Holiday …
The Amazing Adventure’s of Lifestyle Change Girl: You Gotta Be Kiddin’ Me!
Now before I start this rant I want everyone to know that I am neither upset nor injured by the insult that I heard today. I am amused, amazed and a tad bit incredulous. …
Me & Lionel Richie
I went to Colorado this past weekend to spend time with my dear friends and attend their annual fundraiser for their beloved charity and animal welfare association: Dumb Friends League. Each year this party boasts big name entertainment. That is how I managed to sing with Patti LaBelle; sing for Kris Kristofferson; meet Little Richard and Cindi Lauper. This year the band was the great Lionel Richie. As usual, I was able to meet him and have a bit of a chat, as our hosts always include a …
Me & Lionel
Details coming... …