It's been a busy few weeks. I have had some great gigs. Our private and corporate gigs which besides providing most of my income, also bring a lot of joy. You know how I like the challenge of crafting the perfect party vibe. Last Saturday was a particular challenge and triumph. We performed at a huge gala for a local Chicago hospital. There were upwards of a thousand guests at the party, all seated in the cavernous great hall of Union Station. The big donors and VIP's to the hospital …
Now that beats a kick in da head!
My doorbell rings and it's a special delivery for me from a client. She sent me a huge teddy bear and a tote bag stuffed with hair and body products. What a complete surprise! Yay! …
The Amazing Adventures of Permanent Lifestyle Change Girl: The Middle Seat.
I was so excited about my trip to Colorado that I forgot about my seat assignment anxiety. Seat 21E. E as in EEEK, Egads! the middle seat! I board the plane. The Evil Flight Attendant then announces that the flight is "completely full." Shit! I walk down the aisle of the cabin and scan the row numbers. I tried to smile to counteract the panicked look that flashes over each passenger who sits by an empty middle seat. I'm not being paranoid. I know that look of "Please God, not next to …
P.S. I forgot to pack my girdle…
OMG!!! It's true folks! I forgot to pack my girdle this weekend. I am performing at a black tie event without a girdle. You might ask: "How could this happen?" Hell, if I know. I have never- let me repeat - never, ever, forgotten my girdle. And we ain't talking no prissy, wimpy Spanx shit. I mean a GIRDLE. No offense to Spanx wearers, but Spanx ain't a girdle, not according to my standards. If it can be folded flat into a sleeve for retail display, like a pair of panty hose or panties, …
Denver, again.
Hey there! I am in Colorado again, staying at my friend's magnificent home in the mountains. Last night I walked out onto my private terrace and listened to the sound of crickets and the far off wail of a train from somewhere on another mountain... We (Lynne Jordan & the Shivers) have been flown in town to perform for the 100th anniversary of the Dumb Friends League. Black tie event, yummy food and beautiful Colorado... Who could ask for anything more? Here's a photo of the pool. Remember …