Okay, y'all remember my elation and joy over waking up on Christmas morning etc... Well, I felt so happy to be alive that I picked up the phone reached out to many of my extended family (cousins I haven't seen or spoken to in years) and wished them a Merry Christmas. It was so wonderful to feel the love of family - it really was! Then I proceeded to drink a bottle of lovely champagne (on an empty stomach) and got sick as a dog. Oops! My bad. I'm much better now. But I won't be drinking …
Merry Christmas!!
I woke up this morning so happy to see the daylight! I am happy to be alive and well this morning. I was feeling a little down yesterday - down about money, about my life... but after spending the evening with dear old friends I realized that today I just don't care about that crap. Today is a "get out of jail free" kind of day because it's Christmas morning. Give yourself, myself and the world a break! It's all about love and friends and family and for me today, it's all about lazing around …
Shana Punim… I couldn’t resist dressing the cat!
I hope she will forgive me. I mean I have never been one of those people who dresses up their pets for halloween and shit but I couldn't resist the hat! …
I Have Too Much Stuff!
Way too much... like, I'm a hop and a skip from a hoarder... okay that's a bit of a stretch but I have huge stockpiles of everything in no particular order: candles, greeting cards, objet, rubber bugs, miniatures, dvd's, cd's, body products (body scrubs, creams, oils and masks, bath salts, bombs and bubbles, face products) Art, SHOES, nail polish, make-up, books (soft & hard cover and art books), clothes, props & costumes, hats, wigs, jewelry, dolls, photographs because I love to take …
Old As Dirt.
"Getting old ain't for sissies!" - Bette Davis "We are always the same age inside." - Gertrude Stein Hell yeah! That's me! and all of you other old farts talking about "age ain't nothing but a number" and so on - can kiss my wrinkled old ass! Actually wrinkles are not my problem, but if I discover another ache I'm gonna scream! Getting out of a chair ain't what it used to be! And my life cycles are all outta whack as I speedily leave my childbearing years behind me. …