It came upon me on the evening of Flo's memorial celebration. Sharp and sudden. I was getting out of bed and as I was performing the simple act of placing my feet upon the floor (which requires bending the knees) I was struck with a surprise shot of pain in my left knee. It caused a small scream to shoot from my mouth. What the hell is this? I sat on the side of the bed, one leg on the floor, the other leg straightened and immediately placed back on the bed. I tried again to ease my poor …
Good Times For the Love of Flo.
Flo's memorial gathering was tonight. It was the most perfect event I have ever attended for a dearly departed. There was no funeral, no wake. We had a party! The party was held at Brenda's home (an extraordinary hostess) and it was the perfect setting for Flo's gathering. Flo always loved Brenda's parties because Brenda's parties are always filled with joy, dancing, food and laughter. And tonight's event was no exception. I just sat there looking around at the mix of people present: …
Gadget Anxiety
I dropped my cell phone in Shana's water bowl. And yes, I have considered the possibility that it was "Kitty's Revenge" over the dress-up thing, but honestly she didn't cause it to happen. I was careless. In any case, I have no working cell phone. I want to buy one of these new-fangled smart phones but I have no idea which one to buy! …
Bringin’ in a Brand New Year
I finally got tired of feeling tired and low-down. I am singing tonight and right after I said to myself: "I wish I could just stay home on the couch and watch TV tonight," I realized that I am going to be a big part of how a lot of people will be starting off their new year and I need to step up to the responsibility and stop whining. Time to get off my fat ass and get into motion. At first I tried to chalk it up to my grief over Flo's death but I know for a fact that she'd be saying: …
Flo died today.
A dear friend of over thirty years died suddenly today as she walked to pick up some take-out food for lunch. Witnesses say she was on her cell phone when she suddenly clutched at her chest and then collapsed. Emergency units were called, but they could not revive her. She was gone. My dear friend Flo died today. …