My New York Club debut is just around the corner. I am performing my Nina Simone tribute on Tuesday, July 2 at City Winery NY. $15. I have 300 seats to fill. Today, my niece texted me. "30 tickets sold!" I was not very enthused even though the placement of her exclamation point seemed to express excitement. I was filled with a mild panic. No one is coming. Now, I know the show is more than a month away. I know it's too early to tell. My BFF Babs said to me just last night: "Don't let one …
New York Chronicles: New York City, Here I Come!
I did it! I have booked myself in New York City as a headliner. I will be performing my musical tribute to Nina Simone on Tuesday, July 2nd at City Winery NYC. I am fairly confidant about my show and I know I will make a good impression on the New York audiences. But y'all know me - I have to fret about something. It's terrifying. The terrifying part is filling the room. I have told everyone I know about this show - at least twice. I am asking everyone to tell their friends and family in …
Artist’s Angst
Note from me: I wrote this post in early April but never published it. It seems that now is the time to let it all hang out before I start the "New York Chronicles." April 2, 2013 I go through this a lot. This self examination, this self incrimination. It was a normal morning. I stayed up till dawn watching a Sci-Fi series via Netflix on TV so I slept late. I was feeling hopeful. I booked two gigs this morning and I'm up for an award for Industry Excellence in Entertainment. Not a bad …
Punk Fan
What a long strange trip it's been. I discovered Punk as a freshman at Northwestern University in 1979 via some groovy kids in my dorm. I came across a few punk disciples then (granted it was a couple years after the beginning of the movement) and later sang at the infamous CBGB's with the band Urge Overkill. I could scream it with the best of 'em. …
I sit in my home tonight, safe and comfortable. I just spent an hour or so looking at news reports in the aftermath of today's tragedy in Boston. I find solace when I see people helping others - from the trained emergency respondents to the able bodied folks who aided others, to the prayers and good wishes that I see expressed all over the world wide web. That's the key because that wonderful human spirit is inside of most of us. I do not lose hope. I do not condemn this country or the world …