I had such butterflies in my belly in the days leading up to Cabaret Tuesday. Then I attended a rehearsal with the Chicago Cabaret Project and that helped alleviate the nerves somewhat. Rehearsal is key. I was so afraid I would screw up. But I didn’t screw up and it was a wonderful, fun experience! I opened the show singing “Wilkommen” from Cabaret. Loved that – The song is in German, French, and English:
Wilkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome! Fremd, Etranger, Stranger! Gluklick zu sehen, Je suis enchante, Happy to see you! Bliebe, Reste, Stay!
What joy was mine!! I have always wanted to sing that tune!
The last time I sang in a musical production with dancers, choreography and blocking was when I played Dolly Levi in “Hello Dolly” in High School! I swear! Think about it: I sing with my band all of the time. I lead the band, call out the tunes and run the party. We (me and the band) freestyle when we dance and any syncopation or steps evolve naturally – they aren’t dancing around me like Beyonce… not yet…
The big night came and I soon realized that this was going to be an easy night. Yes, I sing a few numbers but these kids are dancing and singing their butts off all night. I am the Joel Gray character in the movie “Cabaret.” I am there to add flavor and boy, did I bring on the Masala! I loved it. It was all about being funny and making wisecracks and just being me.
And once again I realized the importance of having people attend your shows. Several folks promised to come to the show and for one reason or another, none of them showed up! Oy! But one friend did come with several friends in tow and thank God for that.
Luckily, audience attendance is not my sole responsibility, though I will do my best to get the word out. It’s a lovely night of entertainment. The Chicago Cabaret Project works so hard and they are an inspiration. Plus, they were absolute darlings to me.
The night is held at Hydrate Night Club on Halsted Street in Chicago in the heart of “Boystown.” Hydrate is a popular gay bar/ dance club that converts its back room into a performance space. There is a little stage and wonderful sound and light system.
I brought a boa and one headdress.
Cabaret Tuesdays are great fun. I am hosting the next two Tuesdays of this month. I miss it already. Maybe I can do more hosting for them. I think it could be a great way to expand my horizons and any opportunity to work with these great kids is a privilege. Listen to me – calling them “kids.” But they are kids. I don’t think any one of them is over age 30.
I stayed late afterwards (of course) and danced in the back room all by myself. The club was empty and I had the dance floor, dj and bartender all to myself. I had many cocktails and as the room filled up (after the two o’clock bars closed – Hydrate is a four o’clock bar) I went home, buzzed and triumphant.
I woke up hugging an unopened bag of potato chips!!!??!!
Yep, you read that correctly.
Some people wake up in bed with a stranger – not me – I wake up wrapped around a bag of potato chips!!
I love my life.
P.S. I had a hard night tonight fending off the urge to order in mass quantities of food but I prevailed and stayed on track food-wise despite my drinking Tuesday night after the show! Besides providing empty calories, drinking also makes one lose one’s resolve to not go on a food binge. Thankfully I was too buzzed and tired to open that bag of chips and devour them.
They called to me all day today:
EAT ME! C’mon, a few chips won’t kill ya! We’re your favorite! Yum! Think of all this salty goodness!
I did not give in.
I’m proud of you! Wish I could have seen the show.
Thanks lcn!! It was great fun!!