Red light districtNow in case you did not know: Prostitution is legal in Amsterdam. And the use & sale soft drugs are tolerated. Prostitution has existed in Amsterdam as an institution since the city's beginning in the 13th centruy... It is a port city. The hos of olden days were forced into one area and they used to walk the streets carrying red lanterns to try to lessen the confusion as to why they were walking the streets acting like hos.. As time went by the girls started to advertise in …
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Enjoy! I'm really enjoying Lynne's take on her travels!!! :-) …
In the Meantime
I am working on another blog entry about this wondrous trip...but it's taking me a bit and I'm a bit take some time to view all of my photos on line from the trip. They aren't bad!! Follow the link and click on Amsterdam. I've uploaded photos from my nite out at "Club off_courso" in Rotterdam from Sunday night my web New blog entry coming!! I also got rid of that annoying CAPTA setting. Please leave your comments in peace and pray for no spam!! …
Amsterdam: Day Two – Saturday
Woke up at 7AM and wrote until 10AM. Then decided to take advantage of my breakfast buffet served at the Hotel. And off I went, camera, Ipod in hand. I almost died with my computer bag yesterday and so decided to take it easy today. By the way, I have decided today’s Amsterdam theme music is Talking Heads music on shuffle!! As usual I was delighted with the service of this hotel. Everyone is just goddamned sweet. I felt like I was in Disneyland. I really had a blast with the front desk …
Amsterdam: Day One
And finally, I arrive at Schipol airport in Amsterdam!! I go thru customs with no issue, exchange my US dollars for euros… very sad exchange indded! Then I went outside to get a taxi to the hotel. There was the usual taxi line being moderated by one guy and all was well until a group of young hooligans just started cutting the line. And once one group started they all began bumrushing and running past us civilized grown ups waiting patiently. And the line was short! Hey were just rude. I …