Yes, I know it's freezing... But the sun was shining brightly and I was awake and decided to take a walk in the brisk cold air and you know what? It felt great! Lately, I have been inactive and binge eating and my house has been a total mess. And I've hated myself for it. But today I got up early and I took a walk. It wasn't a long walk but considering that I haven't moved my body in ages - I am happy. The cold air and sunshine gave me an entire new perspective about everything. Sure, I …
Lynne Jordan & the Shivers & the Family Guy – Seth MacFarlane
What a night! What a gig! So, I get a call four days before the actual party. Carlo from the James Hotel calls me up and says: Are you available for a party in like four days? It's Winter. There's a recession - of course we are! Then he tells me it's a party sponsored by Twentieth Televison, Fox and Tribune Broadcasting and the special guest is Seth MacFarlane - the creator of the "Family Guy," "American Dad" and "The Cleveland Show." I'm in! …
Courtesy, Cabbies, and an Idiot Girlfriend
I had a wonderful cab ride with a lovely driver tonight. We chatted about life: God is good. and good manners: It's nice to be greeted in a friendly manner rather than the fare "barking orders and addresses..." I could picture it: Driver pulls up, fare jumps in, slams door. Immediately followed by: "3416 N. Halsted." and silence. Later, I meet a girlfriend for drinks and I tell her about this exchange with my friendly cabbie. She studies her dirty martini and slowly spears her olive with …
Im Cabaret, Au Cabaret, To Cabaret
Starting Tuesday, Dec 15, 22 & 29 at 9pm, I will host - emcee the Tuesday's Cabaret Voltaire at Hydrate Night Club 3458 N Halsted in Chicago. The night features the wonderful ensemble: Chicago Cabaret Project and several numbers will be sung by yours truly with solo piano accompaniment. Something different yes? Check us out! Tuesdays in December starting: 15th, 22nd and 29th. Hydrate 3458 N. Halsted St, Chicago, IL 9:00P.M. Admission: $10 …
The Gits and Mia Zapata
I was sleeping with the tv on this afternoon when a cold case crime show on A&E reached thru my slumber. I kept hearing the name "Mia Zapata" and "rape and murder" conversations with her father "Richard Zapata." I awoke and watched the last 15 minutes of the show. It told the story of the 1993 murder & rape of an up and coming singer named Mia Zapata. My curiosity was peaked and so I googled "Mia Zapata" and found that there had been a film made entitled "The Gits" that documented not just …