That's the story of my life right now. Am I crazy or did summer sneak up on me and then half of it slipped by me without noticing? I have so much to do this summer and it's already July!!! OY VEY. Hope everyone can take a moment and be still... stop, take five seconds and be still. It works better with a masseuse working on your bare back and new age music playing in the background... …
Amazing Adventures of Permanent Lifestyle Change Girl: Cardio!
Yes, my dears! I did a bonafide, sweaty, breathy cardio for 20 minutes! I used to do 60 minutes, then bike ride and weights and stretching, but hell, I haven't done shit in years! This is a good first step and I didn't drop dead in the process! And I feel great! Don't know what possessed me. One minute I was lying on my bed watching "Bones - Season Three" on DVD and the next minute I said to myself: …
Amazing Adventures of Permanent Lifestyle Change Girl:
Oh my faithful readers... I have fallen off the wagon, procured some C4 explosives and blew that wagon to smithereens! …
Shana Punim
Here are a couple photos of my ever widening cat: Shana Punim. …
Yesterday Morning
Well, the party went well. The birthday boy enjoyed the surprise though it was kinda screwed up by a co worker who dragged me up to the room way too early (she was s'posed to keep me in the background and I was to make a grand entrance). Oh well. So there I am face to face with the b-day boy (he is the Treasurer's Chief Legal Deputy) and he was surprised, but it wasn't time to sing yet. Awkward! So, I went back to my place in the back of the room, only to be called up again by someone in the …