I woke up at 7A.M. Yes, you read correctly. Even Shana Punim was surprised at the hour. she stretched and yawned her best full mouthed feline yawn and rolled over. "Lazy beast!" I got up and posted the earlier blog. I was full of dreams, ambitions and fire. Then the text that changed the course of my day arrived with a "ping!" Wish I could be at home watching "The Closer" marathon on TNT. …
A Bit of a Breather & Some Dap Inspiration
Whew! I have been busy these past few weeks and I ain't complaining but Lordy! it sure feels good to have a minute to stop. Of course these minutes free from gigging must be spent planning, strategizing and creating the future. Funny thing happened in Ottawa, Ontario. The Ottawa Jazz festival was playing across the canal from our hotel and most of the Shivers went to check it out. And Lo and Behold! Ms. Sharon Jones & the Dap Kings were playing. I missed the show - I was blogging - and by …
Million Dollar Quartet – Promotional code for discount tickets
Hey Family!! The discount code for tickets (Promo Code) for my Thursday, July 29th appearance with The Million Dollar Quartet is RSVP. Type it in when ordering online or mention when talking with the box office. …
Million Dollar Quartet & Me – Again!!!!!!
Yep folks!! The Million Dollar Quartet has asked me to rejoin them on the stage on Thursday, July 29th at the Apollo Theater!! I am so excited!!!! As some of you may recall, the last time I performed with the MDQ was a truly a wondrous occasion for me. (See post about My Appearance with the MDQ in May) I am thrilled to be asked back. and I hope more of my peeps will come see. The play is really a delight. It's fun and full of great music and it gives a groovy history lesson as well. …
Amazing Adventures of Permanent Lifestyle Change Girl: No Fried Chicken Tonight.
Can you hear the screaming? I am saying "No" to Fried Chicken Tuesdays at my favorite restaurant: Big Jones. It's been all I've been thinking of today: "Mmm, fried chicken at Big Jones tonight... It's Fried Chicken Tuesday at Big Jones!... I can't wait till five o'clock! (when the dinner menu starts) And just as I was prepared to get ready to go and gorge myself, I actually stopped and thought about it. Do I really need fried chicken tonight? …