Procrastination is my middle name... I am feeling like a poster child for one of the seven sins: SLOTH!! You see, I have so many plans and dreams but I just can't seem to find anything more comfortable than being in my bed or on the couch--alone!! Don't get me wrong - I never sat there like "Miss Lonely" - feeling sorry for myself. Quite the contrary, I used to feel elated, blessed to be able to have the time off to do so and relish it. But I realize now that I have been complacent and …
Just Do It Already!!
Procrastination is my middle name... I am feeling like a poster child for one of the seven sins: SLOTH!! You see, I have so many plans and dreams but I just can't seem to find anything more comfortable than being in my bed or on the couch--alone!! Don't get me wrong - I never sat there like "Miss Lonely" - feeling sorry for myself. Quite the contrary, I used to feel elated, blessed to be able to have the time off to do so and relish it. But I realize now that I have been complacent and …
So, I'm home now fresh from another venture in the "deep end of the pool" and feeling almost omnipotent... a little vintage Rickie Lee Jones on the stereo... Life is good y'all!!Lately, I've had this fantasy of going to Amsterdam to write my one woman show. (another little project on my "To do" list) I went to Amsterdam back in the late 90's with an ex boyfriend. It is the only European city that I know my way around, as we traveled there three years consecutively. We had an awful break up on …
The Shivers
As most of you know I am a professional musician. ( ie. I pay my rent and all of my bills and whatever else I want from money I make singing & performing) I have my own band called the Shivers which consists of six or ten - depending on whether I have the horn section or not - men. As you might imagine it isn't always easy to be da boss of several adult African American men musicians but for the most part we are cool. In fact troubles are few and far between with me and the Shivers. …
Oh Chum, Come to the Cabaret!
And so I have been thinking... maybe I should put together a little cabaret bit, you know like my shows are anyway, but minus the big long dance party? I have found that a lot of my old timers (long time fans) bemoan the "ole days" before I became "Miss Dance Party Band leader". Mind you, I have always kept a part of that cabaret - double - entendre - thing in my club and festival dates, but the dance numbers are starting to outweigh the more subtle (Ha! subtle like: "If I Can't Sell It, I'm …