Well, just a couple more tidbits about my feelings in flight, then onto actually being here in one of my favorite cities..."ONE HOUR INTO flight"So yours truly moved away from "Mr let me spread my legs and take over the seat even tho this big bitch is sposed to be next to me" to settle quite comfortably next to a friendly (fellow Mac using – I might add) middle aged couple. NOTE:If this mothafucka in front of me lets his seat down and bumps my Mac down one more time I'ma whoop his ass!!And no …
Before Take Off
So my darlings… Instead of languishing in business class I am scrunched up in coach (grrr) Bad weather caused a flight cancellation yesterday and the poor unfortunates from last night's flight got bumped onto mine and one of the dirty paying bastards bumped me out of my business seat… After I drink another wine I'll go hunting for the beeyatch who took my seat. Remember I was the last soul to board. You shoulda seen the folks with solo seats shaking in their boots at the prospect that I was …
Am I there yet?
Typical diva day. I packed Tuesday night and marveled at how fabulous and on top of things I was. That should have been the first sign that things were gonna go to hell in a hand bag! Then my sweet cousin called to tell me that there was a slight chance that I may not get on the plane... I was flying stand by for Business class. I had never done that before. Then I broke a nail! BAD SIGN... That coupled with the stand by issue would stress out any girl but then my dear friend & upstairs …
Whole Lotta Work!
I am committed to doing all the shit I mentioned in my last blog entry. I had my meeting/class/private workshop with Arlene regarding my one woman show and what I learned is this: I GOTTA TON OF FUCKIN WORK TO DO!!! This ain't no joke Jack!! No wonder I've put it off for 25 years!!!! I guess I had more living to do.I met actress/comedienne/ broadway grande dame Elaine Stritch several years ago. We were both performing at a huge Charity event in Chicago. She was flown in as the celebrity …
A Good Night
The wedding was great! It was the crazy assed wedding party that I hoped it would be. The guests were a wonderful mix of baby boomers and young folks, and just real dancing ass soul music lovers. It was joyous. I had the horn section there and we ( Lynne Jordan & the Shivers) were on fire: laughing, groovin, and making money - bonus!! I ain't jaded yet. Weddings are fun. And these folks were such a tight wild group. Love that!! …