The Oxford Encyclopedic English Dictionary offers as definition of “still”: adj 1 not or hardly moiving. 2 with little or no sound; calm and tranquil. n 1 (of hushed) sounds. 2 deep silence
I ask my friends all the time: when is the last time you were just still? It usually happens for me when I get a massage, but only after I shut up the chatting with my therapist and my mind stops racing, counting, worrying, listing, fantacizing and thinking about something that pissed me off when I was an adoloescent. Can’t be still even in a massage.
But sometimes, it will come to me: the calm and I can truly relax and just be still…ahhhh
I have been negligent regarding this blog. I haven’t been still in weeks!!
I have an outdoor concert tonight at a big festival outside the city. I am trying to be still before showtime (in hours) and see what the effect will be…
So tell me when was the last time you were just still? Tell me!