I lost ten pounds. Its amazing. I haven’t been starving myself at all – just choosing healthy foods as much as possible – low fat foods and fresh foods whose calories can be burned off. It helps that I have been performing so much. Each show is like a ninety minute to three hour work-out done three to five times a week. And having the scale helps a ton in my weight and food consumption management.
It hasn’t been easy. Mostly I have been consuming delicious salads and chicken and fruits & veggies – no fried stuff if I can help it. A lot has been as simple as me saying: “yes, to salad,” and “No to cake and fried chicken.” I don’t miss it either – especially after I stepped on the scale today. Mind you, I haven’t been perfect but my prior eating habits were so atrocious that any slight concentration on improvement makes a huge difference. So, I am cutting the calories and adding the healthy foods and nutrition. I must get the exercise thing going.
But for now I’m pleased. I must stay with it. Wish me luck!
Permanent Lifestyle Change Girl Away!
10 pounds?! Wow, congratulations! You go. Whatever you are doing, keep it up..
Thanks!! Ten pounds isn’t a lot- considering my body size – BUT it is an admirable start and the first concerted effort I’ve managed in a coupla years to lose weight.
I’ve also cut down a lot on the amount of food consumed… you have known me for ages and Ive always had this issue but never seriously until my adult years and now it’s out of control or rather, was out of control.